We're committed to delivering: 

  • Unrivaled lead times to meet your needs
  • Superior product quality made to your specifications
  • Flexible order quantities
  • Responsive customer service you deserve
  • High recycled content

About Us

JW Aluminum is a leading aluminum supplier of flat rolled sheet and foil products used in a variety of commercial and consumer applications. Learn More


Markets and Products

From building products to HVAC/R to transportation, we provide the high quality and precision you need from our flat rolled aluminum.


JW Aluminum certified to Aluminum Stewardship Initiative Performance Standard v3JW Aluminum Aluminum Stewardship Initiative Certified to Performance Standard V3ChoseAluminumcroppedGreenCircle2_250 (002)-1sustain-sc_primary_less-pad


The Leading Aluminum Rolled Products Company in the World

Our Vision is bold. Our Culture is what sets us apart.

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